CAE Pop Quiz!

Once a month, BOLD Times features a CAE question. See all the questions and correct answers below. The question from the most recent issue of BOLD Times is listed first. You can read the archives of BOLD Times here, but you must be a Forum member to do so! Not a member? Join today!


Which of the following key marketing & communications strategies will help you predict behaviors of your members?

A. Communications audit

B. Data mining

C. Trend analysis

D. Market analysis


Correct answer: B. Data mining. Data mining is the process of sorting through large data sets to identify patterns and relationships. A complete data mining exercise can help the association professional predict behaviors and identify opportunities to enhance products or membership engagement.

This question focuses on Domain 8: Marketing and Communications of the CAE exam. Learn more here.


Your organization’s call for volunteers will be announced shortly. As you prepare to recruit volunteers to the various open opportunities within the organization, it is important to remember to:

A. Personally recruit the volunteers you know are easy to work with

B. Make sure the placement of a volunteer is intentional, matching their skillset to the job to be accomplished

C. Randomly assign volunteers to be fair

D. Prioritize the volunteer assignments desired by past board members


Correct answer: B. Appropriately assigning volunteers has an impact on the volunteer’s long-term willingness to continue to serve the organization. Meaningful volunteer assignments are vital to retaining volunteers. Purposeful placement of a volunteer on a committee or workgroup that aligns with their strengths and skills maximizes the satisfaction with the work.

This question focuses on Domain 1: Governance, Section C: Volunteer Leadership Development, of the CAE exam. Learn more here.


What is the utility of evaluating the lifetime value of a member?

A. Identify the average number of years a member has with the organization

B. Calculate the number of FTEs the organization needs to employ

C. Identify the next year’s membership recruitment goals

D. Assist in setting the budget for membership recruitment and retention activities


Correct answer: D. The lifetime value of a member is a metric that estimates the financial impact the organization can expect from a single member over the duration of their membership. This metric helps the organization make decisions about how much they can afford to spend on acquiring new members and retaining existing members.

This question focuses on Domain 6: Member and Stakeholder Engagement and Management of the CAE exam. Learn more here.


The provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) must be incorporated as policy in associations with a minimum of how many employees?

A. 150

B. 50

C. 30

D. 15


Correct answer: B.

According to the US Department of Labor , the provisions of the FMLA apply to all public agencies (including local, state, and federal employers, and local education agencies [schools]), as well as private sector employers that employ 50 or more employees for at least 20 workweeks in the current or preceding calendar year.

This question focuses on Domain 4: Operations of the CAE exam. Learn more about the CAE exam. Learn more here.


The board chair of a 501(c)(3) organization has asked the chief staff executive (CSE) to establish a political action committee. The CSE’s first step should be to:

A. establish goals for the political action committee

B. consult legal counsel

C. explain that the political action committee is illegal

D. conduct a feasibility assessment


Correct answer: C.

While many associations conduct lobbying efforts to advocate for their industry, organizations that hold 501(c)(3) status may not conduct substantial activities that attempt to influence legislation. It’s not illegal for a 501(c)3 to do some lobbying; influencing legislation just can’t be a substantial part of the organization’s business. A political action committee’s entire purpose is to raise money to influence elections or legislation. Therefore, developing such a committee is illegal for a 501(c)(3).