CAE Pop Quiz!

Once a month, BOLD Times features a CAE question. See all the questions and correct answers below. The question from the most recent issue of BOLD Times is listed first. You can read the archives of BOLD Times here, but you must be a Forum member to do so! Not a member? Join today!

Your organization’s call for volunteers will be announced shortly. As you prepare to recruit volunteers to the various open opportunities within the organization, it is important to remember to:


  1. Personally recruit the volunteers you know are easy to work with
  2. Make sure the placement of a volunteer is intentional, matching their skillset to the job to be accomplished
  3. Randomly assign volunteers to open volunteer opportunities to be fair
  4. Prioritize the volunteer assignments desired by past board members

The answer is b.

Appropriately assigning volunteers has an impact on the volunteer’s long-term willingness to continue to serve the organization. Meaningful volunteer assignments are vital to retaining volunteers. Purposeful placement of a volunteer on a committee or workgroup that aligns with their strengths and skills maximizes the satisfaction with the work. This question focuses on Domain 1: Governance, Section C: Volunteer Leadership Development, of the CAE exam. Learn more about the CAE exam.