Membership Updates

Highlighting new Association Forum members and changes for current members

By the <i>FORUM</i> Magazine editors

FRM Nov Dec ITK Membership

Promotions and Changes

Amy Thomasson, DES, is joining the American College of Medical Quality (ACMQ) as the group’s executive director. She will also serve as vice president of marketing and membership for Affinity Strategies. Thomasson calls this position her “dream role” and encouraged others in a post on LinkedIn: “2020 has been wild and winding. For those of you looking for your next opportunity, keep going. This role is the culmination of two years of relationship building.”

ACMQ is the organization for healthcare professionals responsible for providing leadership in quality and safety outcomes who want or need the tools, experience and expertise to improve the quality and safety of patient care.

New Association Forum Members

Individual Members

Matthew D’Uva, FASAE, CAE, AASLD

Stephanie Lass, Plumbing Manufacturers International

Lydia Riesch, Association of Equipment Manufacturers

Raven Solomon, Raven Solomon (speaker, entrepreneur)

Christina Tomaso, AOSSM

Forum Plus Members

Meredith DeKock, Academy of General Dentistry

Erica Berg, Association Management Center

Mikhail Spector, CCIM Institute

Dave Naso, Chicago Association of REALTORS

Mary Huang, International Association of Defense Counsel

Smruti Rajagopalan, Million Dollar Round Table

Jim Unander, Million Dollar Round Table

Daniel Hug, Selected Independent Funeral Homes

Leslie Kowalczyk, Selected Independent Funeral Homes

Susie Toro, Society of Actuaries

Mollie Weinstein, Society of Critical Care Medicine

New CAEs

Congratulations to all the new Illinois CAEs who passed the summer ASAE exam.

Julie Belloli, CAE, Manager, Member Engagement, HR Source

Anthony Conant, CAE, Chief Executive Officer, American Rental Association

Emily Harris, CAE, Marketing Manager, Association of Nutrition & Foodservice Professionals

Stasia Kocon, CAE, Accounting Manager, American College of Healthcare Executives

Karl Michael Phipps, CAE, Director of Communications & Marketing, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers

Brian Reilly, CAE, Chief Operating Officer, American Society of Anesthesiologists

Katie Schmitz Scott, CAE, Association Manager, SmithBucklin

Siri Sorensen, CAE, Senior Project Manager, International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management

Bryan White, CAE, Account Executive, Bostrom

Katherine Wochos, CAE, AQI Director of Operations, American Society of Anesthesiologists

Written by FORUM Magazine editors.

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