Infographic: How to Develop the Next Generation of Leaders

Organizations need to start developing leadership talent, especially given high turnover at the top.

By the <i>FORUM</i> Magazine editors

Silhouette of business leaders with a city in the background.

It’s only getting more important that associations start addressing — and developing — the next generation of leaders. After all, 60% of leaders say they feel “used up” at the end of each day. Forty-four percent of those leaders say they will need to change companies to advance, with 26% of leaders saying they plan to leave within the year.

Yet, leadership talent — and the pipeline to build future talent — remains lacking at many organizations. Associations can start building a talent pipeline to ensure a brighter future, in part through creating more formal training, providing more feedback and celebrating high-performing employees.

Click here to see a full-size PDF.Infographic with stats about developing the next generation of leaders.




About the Author

Written by the FORUM Magazine editors.

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