Work/Life: Our Favorite Workplace TV and Movies to Watch

As the weather cools and the leaves turn, we’re eager to grab a throw blanket and tuck into some streaming content. If you’re finding yourself with the same urge, may we suggest a workplace comedy or drama? Most of us spend more time working than just about anything else in our waking lives. So when we have some down time, what do we do? We watch movies and tv shows about work.
There is something satisfying in the dark twists of an office drama and nothing is funnier than a scene from The Office that’s as relatable as it is ridiculous. Like you, Association Forum’s staff loves to watch people pretend to work while we’re not working. Here we’ve rounded up a list of our favorite shows and movies that depict workplaces.
Be sure to check us out on social media to chime in and tell us what you’re watching!
My show is classic. I like “WKRP in Cincinnati”. This crazy group from diverse backgrounds always worked together for the greater good, but loved to give each other a hard time. Since I did not grow up with siblings, I love shows where people love each other just because they are around one another all the time and they’ve grown to appreciate each other. Shawn Randle |
I always loved watching “Scrubs” when it was on. I thought the writing was outstanding and even though it was a comedy, it wasn’t only slapstick humor – there was also a lot of witty and insightful banter. I also liked that the characters often narrated their own thoughts, giving them extra depth. Each episode usually closed with some kind of sincere life lesson, making me feel like it wasn’t a total waste of time to plop down on the couch! Alec Rosofsky, CAE, CMP, DES |
“Parks and Recreation” is probably my favorite show of all time. I love how eccentric the characters are, but they are also well-intentioned, good people. It’s the type of show that makes me laugh out loud and smile every time. Plus, watching a small team of public servants accomplish things with limited resources reminds me a lot of association management! Kim Kelly, CAE |
I am old school and love movies more than TV, so my pick is “Working Girl”. She overcame all the things happening at home and a difficult boss to come out on top. She ignored the comments and those that doubted her based on her looks. Phyllis Scott |
My favorite workplace movie is “Devil Wears Prada”. From quirky underdressed, underestimated assistant in a demanding fast-paced environment, she transforms into the best-dressed, hardworking and resilient young professional. And lets not forget the humor in it all! Melody Boykin |
Mine is a guilty pleasure that I’m kind of embarrassed to admit … it’s “Younger”. It’s about an NYC publishing company where this woman lies about her age to get a job (spoiler alert: she gets the job and then has to continue the lie). It’s all about the friendships she makes at the company – it’s cute, fun and lighthearted. Sarah Murphy, MNA, CAE
The most popular answer? “The Office”
It’s a toss up between “Office Space” and “The Office” . “Office Space” just speaks to my love of irreverent humor. Also, that movie came out when I just started working in associations and had a manager like the one portrayed in the movie. As for “The Office”, Michael Scott is hands-down one of the funniest characters of all time. I cringe at the situations he gets into as a leader. I mean, how is he even employed? LOL. Artesha Moore, FASAE, CAE
For me, it’s The Office. So funny with the dry humor and quirky characters. Regina White |
Mine isn’t very out of the ordinary since most people share my love for The Office. Many people love Michael or Jim or Dwight…but I think every office should have a Creed. Monica Linders
That’s easy, “The Office”. The characters and content lend themselves to hysterical episodes! My favorite character is Michael because Steve Carell plays the role so well. Caryn Adolph |
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